Agency Collaboration - The collaborative journey between Ortto and Christopher Doyle & Co., a partnership that redefined and fortified the brand identity.
Jul 28, 2023

Ortto: Revolutionizing Marketing Automation with a Unified Brand

Ortto, formerly known as Autopilot, is at the forefront of marketing automation solutions. With the introduction of the industry's first visual customer journey builder, Ortto enables companies to streamline marketing processes, segment audiences and harness the power of analytics. As both the product and the company grew, the need to consolidate and elevate the brand identity became apparent.

Our task was to rename and rebrand Autopilot, strengthen their global presence and create a more distinct market identity. "Ortto," phonetically derived from "auto," pays homage to the company's original name and its core function of automation, while providing room for future expansion and evolution. The agency created a custom, scalable logotype based on the inherent geometry and interconnected letters found in the name "Ortto." Drawing inspiration from customer journey creator Ortto and the concept of connectivity, the brand system includes dynamic and bold shapes, each offering multiple variations. These shapes can be combined, customized and colored in countless combinations, enabling the creation of unique customer journeys.

A vibrant and energetic color palette was developed to enhance the functionality of the user interface and provide clear differentiation in marketing materials. This palette also served as the basis for a set of illustrations in the app, effectively conveying the different stages of the product journey. The entire identity comes to life with dynamic animations of shapes and logos, creating a flexible, modular and constantly evolving brand system that resonates with Ortto's innovative spirit.

Ortto Logo - A bold, interconnected logotype crafted by Christopher Doyle & Co.
Visual Customer Journey Builder - The industry's first visual customer journey builder in action, courtesy of Christopher Doyle & Co.
Customizable Brand Shapes - Dynamic and bold shapes designed by Christopher Doyle & Co., ready for customization and combination.
Energetic Color Palette - A vibrant and energetic color palette, part of Christopher Doyle & Co.'s branding efforts, enhancing user interface functionality.
App Illustrations - A suite of in-app illustrations, a creative touch by Christopher Doyle & Co., representing different product journey stages.
Dynamic Animations - Dynamic animations of shapes and logos, breathing life into Ortto's brand identity, a creation of Christopher Doyle & Co.
Ortto's Evolution - The transformation of Autopilot into Ortto, a strategic move with the expertise of Christopher Doyle & Co.
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