Pentagram-Cohere NLP Visual Identity: Showcasing state-of-the-art language AI in universal branding. New nature concept blends organic and computational elements.
Aug 20, 2023

Pentagram and Cohere: Pioneering a 'New Nature' in Visual Identity for Language AI with a Blend of Organic and Digital Aesthetics

In an ambitious collaboration, Pentagram and Cohere have reframed natural language processing (NLP) through a pioneering visual identity. Their challenge was to translate Cohere's state-of-the-art language AI into a universally appealing brand, geared towards modern business needs.

The concept of 'new nature' was devised as the core motif. It amalgamates organic fluidity with computational precision, aiming to represent the symbiosis between humans and machines enabled by Cohere’s language models. This serves as the core narrative that ties the entire brand story together.

Central to the visual identity is the Voronoi pattern, rooted in both mathematical theory and natural forms. It captures the duality of natural complexity and computational rigor. The logo embodies this ethos, featuring three evolving cells that form an abstract 'C', symbolizing Cohere’s continuous innovation.

A carefully curated color palette blends natural and synthetic hues, exemplifying the brand's dualistic essence. The Cohere typeface employs cell-like openings in the characters, serving as microcosms of the brand's multifaceted platform. Different versions of the typeface serve versatile needs, enhancing the brand's adaptability.

Pentagram provided Cohere with bespoke digital tools that ensure brand consistency while allowing room for growth. These include Figma plugins and custom Cinema 4D tools, designed for ease of use, extending the brand’s visual language across various platforms.

In summary, the partnership between Pentagram and Cohere serves as a masterclass in converting an abstract, tech-driven service into a visually captivating and universally accessible brand identity. This multidimensional visual scheme elegantly captures Cohere’s mission to transform the human-machine interface.

Pentagram Design: Cohere's logo featuring Voronoi patterns, represents continuous innovation in AI and NLP tech. Mathematical rigor meets natural complexity.
Pentagram-Cohere Branding: Unique color palette combines synthetic and organic hues. Aimed at modern business and tech-savvy audience.
Pentagram-Cohere Typeface: Custom font with cell-like openings embodies brand's duality. Enhances adaptability for various digital platforms.
Pentagram Digital Tools: Bespoke Figma plugins and Cinema 4D tools for brand consistency. Extends visual language across UI/UX design.
Pentagram-Cohere Collaboration: Masterclass in translating tech-driven AI services into visually appealing brand identity. Targets universal business needs.
Pentagram's Visual Scheme: Multidimensional identity for Cohere encapsulates human-machine symbiosis. Appeals to wide-ranging audience from tech to business.
Pentagram-Cohere Brand Story: Core narrative ties new nature concept with visual elements. Showcases Cohere’s mission in transforming human-machine interaction.
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